Campus Cyclocross Practice is on Pause Until Further Notice…


· This year we will be having 5 practices that will rotate every other Wednesday with our Wednesday Night Road ride (out of Campus Niagara)

· Practices are held Wednesday nights from 5 to approximately 7:30 p.m., 3 cross specific training drills followed by a 45 minute open “race” course. August through September on the Hoyt Lake side of Delaware Park, adjacent to the Delaware Ave “S” curves

· If driving, please park legally on either Lincoln Parkway or Rumsey Road

· Practice will be cancelled in the event of heavy rain and/or extremely muddy conditions as to not damage the turf

· All riders must yield to all other park users

· No experience necessary; just bring a bike with knobby tires, two working brakes, water and a snack and a helmet

· Practices are $10.00 if registering day of event/ $5.00 for those under 18.

· Preregistration for the entire series is available on until 8:00pm on 8/3/2020. Adult registration is $40.00, for riders under the age of 18 registration is $20.00, No USAC license required. Registering for the full series will save you one full practice’s entry fee.

· Registration will be ONLINE ONLY this year, do not show up with cash.